Feet per Second to Miles per Hour Converter: Usage, Formulas, and Origin


The Feet per Second to Miles per Hour converter is a handy tool for performing speed conversions between these commonly used measurement units. Whether you're interested in sciences, sports, engineering, or other fields requiring speed conversions, this article will guide you through using this converter. We will also explore the mathematical formulas used for conversions and provide insight into the origin of the feet per second measurement unit.

How does the Feet per Second to Miles per Hour converter work?

The Feet per Second to Miles per Hour converter employs simple mathematical formulas to perform conversions between these two speed measurement units. Here are the conversion formulas used:

Converting Feet per Second to Miles per Hour: Miles per Hour ≈ Feet per Second * 0.681818

Converting Miles per Hour to Feet per Second: Feet per Second ≈ Miles per Hour / 0.681818

How to use the Feet per Second to Miles per Hour converter?

The Feet per Second to Miles per Hour converter is user-friendly and easy to use. Follow these steps to perform a conversion:

Step 1: Enter the number of Feet per Second you wish to convert in the designated field.

Step 2: The converter will automatically calculate and display the result in Miles per Hour just below the Feet per Second input field.

Step 3: If you want to convert Miles per Hour to Feet per Second, input the number of Miles per Hour in the second dedicated field.

Step 4: The result in Feet per Second will be automatically shown below the Miles per Hour input field.

Example: Convert 30 Feet per Second to Miles per Hour and 50 Miles per Hour to Feet per Second.


30 Feet per Second * 0.681818 ≈ 20.4545 Miles per Hour

50 Miles per Hour / 0.681818 ≈ 73.1818 Feet per Second


30 Feet per Second approximately equal 20.4545 Miles per Hour.

50 Miles per Hour approximately equal 73.1818 Feet per Second.

Origin of the Feet per Second Measurement Unit:

The Feet per Second measurement unit is commonly used in scientific, sports, and engineering contexts. It expresses the speed as the distance covered in feet in one second. The origin of the feet unit is historical, dating back to antiquity. Using human feet as a measure of length was common. The second, on the other hand, is a unit of time defined as 1/86400 of the mean solar day. Thus, the speed in feet per second is determined by the distance covered in one foot per unit of time, which is one second.


The Feet per Second to Miles per Hour converter is a convenient and easy-to-use tool for performing speed conversions between these common measurement units. With the simple conversion formulas presented in this article, you can quickly and easily achieve accurate conversions for your scientific, sports, or engineering needs. These online converters are useful for many practical applications where speed conversions are required.