Fahrenheit to Kelvin Converter: Usage, Formulas, and Origin


The Fahrenheit to Kelvin converter is a handy tool for performing temperature conversions between these two commonly used units of measurement. In this article, we will explore how to use the converter, the mathematical formulas used for conversions, and delve into the origin of the Fahrenheit unit of measurement.

How the Fahrenheit to Kelvin Converter Works:

The Fahrenheit to Kelvin converter employs simple mathematical formulas to perform conversions between these temperature scales. Here are the conversion formulas used:

Conversion from Fahrenheit to Kelvin: Kelvin = (Fahrenheit + 459.67) * (5 / 9)

Conversion from Kelvin to Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit = Kelvin * (9 / 5) - 459.67

Using the Fahrenheit to Kelvin Converter:

The Fahrenheit to Kelvin converter is easy to use. Follow these steps to perform a conversion:

Step 1: Enter the number of Fahrenheit degrees you want to convert in the provided area.

Step 2: The converter will automatically perform the calculation and display the result in Kelvin just below the Fahrenheit input field.

Step 3: If you want to perform a conversion from Kelvin to Fahrenheit, enter the Kelvin value in the dedicated second input field.

Step 4: The result in Fahrenheit will be automatically displayed below the Kelvin input field.

Example: Convert 68 degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin and 300 Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit.


(68 + 459.67) * (5 / 9) ≈ 293.15 Kelvin (rounded to two decimal places)

300 * (9 / 5) - 459.67 ≈ 80.33 degrees Fahrenheit (rounded to two decimal places)


68 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately equivalent to 293.15 Kelvin (rounded to two decimal places).

300 Kelvin is approximately equivalent to 80.33 degrees Fahrenheit (rounded to two decimal places).

Note on the Origin of the Fahrenheit Unit of Measurement:

The Fahrenheit temperature scale was invented by Polish physicist and engineer Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724. Fahrenheit selected two reference points to define his scale: 0 degrees Fahrenheit corresponded to the temperature of the eutectic mixture of ice and ammonium chloride, and 96 degrees Fahrenheit corresponded to the temperature of the human body (normal blood temperature).

The Fahrenheit scale is primarily used in the United States and a few other English-speaking countries, while most other countries use the Celsius (or Kelvin) temperature scale for temperature measurement.


The Fahrenheit to Kelvin converter is a convenient tool for temperature conversions between these two units of measurement. Using the simple conversion formulas presented in this article, you can easily perform accurate temperature conversions for various applications. The Fahrenheit scale, invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, remains in use in some countries, although the Celsius (and Kelvin) scale is more widely used on the international scale.